TSAG is a not-for-profit provider of quality technical service and training for First Nations
in Alberta.
We help to create safe and strong communities by providing mentorship and
guidance to community members in multiple areas.


Be Fire Prepared

Learn about how fires start, how you can protect your family, home, property, and
community from wildfires, and what to do in the event of a wildland fire emergency evacuation.


Untapped 2024


This year’s conference will be held on June 4th and 5th at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT),
in the Productivity and Innovation Centre (PIC) building.Additional sessions will be held in the Feltham Centre (CAT)
Building as well. This year we’re offering hands-on sessions for water operators as well as sessions concurrent
sessions for supervisors/managers.



Upcoming CRTP Course

This 2 day in-class AWWOA course worth 1.2 continuing education units (CEU’s) This course satisfies
the Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) minimum training requirement for water & wastewater system
operators planning to write the *level one certification exams. 



Who We Are

TSAG provides technical services and training to First Nations in Alberta in the areas of Circuit Rider Training, Asset Management, Environmental Management, Housing, Rural Addressing, Fire Safety, Information Technology, and Virtual Healthcare. Our goal is to create opportunities for First Nations people and we help to do so by delivering our services, training, mentoring, and guidance to First Nations community members.

Our Mission

TSAG is a not-for-profit provider of quality technical service and training for First Nations in Alberta.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple – to support strong community.

How Do We Strengthen Communities?

To help create safe and strong communities, we provide technical services plus train, mentor, and guide community members in multiple areas.



(hover over icons below for more)


We value honesty, trust and confidentiality in our relationships and are committed to achieving excellence.


We accept responsibility for our actions and decisions.


We will respect the rights of First Nations, our partners and our employees.


(hover over icons below for more)


Resources allocated to us are used for the benefit of all First Nations in Alberta


We practice transparent and open communication, and share information freely with First Nations organizations in Alberta


We proactively promote and model safety for our clients, our employees, and our partners.


We will act ethically in all dealings with First Nations, our employees and partners.

Latest News


Alberta Indigenous Virtual Care Clinic

The Alberta Indigenous Virtual Care Clinic serves individuals self-identifying as First Nations, Inuit and Métis and their immediate family members. Patients and their caregivers can receive consultations, by phone or through their computer with Alberta-based physicians experienced in delivering culturally-safe health care and wellness support.


Arrow Technology Group

ATG provides comprehensive end-to-end IT Services tailored to your needs. They specialize in providing network, computer systems, technical support and data communication solutions to meet your community and business needs.


First Nations Telehealth Network

The First Nations Telehealth Network provides connectivity to both clinical, administrative, and Education sessions.
Connections to clinical sessions, allows for community members to reduce travel time and costs while still getting the medical care they require. For more information on clinical telehealth services, contact your doctor’s office to see if they have access to videoconferencing or contact our offices to discuss the possibilities of scheduling a clinical session.